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Food to eat (and avoid) for better sleep

Food to eat (and avoid) for better sleep

We all require sleep to function properly as humans, and the quality of our sleep can significantly impact our health and well-being. While there are various factors that can impact our sleep (stress levels, light exposure, temperature of our bodies and the general environment etc), the food we consume is one of the most significant ones. What we eat, and when we eat it, can either promote or hinder our ability to fall asleep, and also the quality of sleep we have throughout the night. 
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How to Wake Up Well this Winter

How to Wake Up Well this Winter

Winter can be a beautiful season, with snowflakes falling and the air crisp and fresh. Not to mention hot chocolate, fluffy scarves and TV time under a big blanket.

However, when the days are shorter and the weather is bad, it can be hard to get out of bed in the morning.

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How to fall asleep easily to wake up well

What to Do When You Can’t Sleep

Do you often find yourself lying in bed, eyes closed and ready for a good snooze, but for someone reason you have a hard time nodding off? We totally get it! The culprit might be a super stressful day that's lying ahead for you come morning, or pesky noises coming from the neighbours' flat, or you're struggling to digest a big meal so don't feel the most comfortable. Whatever the reason, we’ve compiled a list of techniques you can use to help get a good night’s sleep.
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How to Reset your Circadian rhythm

How To Reset Your Circadian Rhythm

Do you sometimes wake up minutes before your alarm is due to go off? You can thank your circadian rhythm for that! Circadian rhythms are the body’s 24-hour cycle internal clock that carry out essential functions such as digestion, hormone regulation and, last but not least, sleep. 

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Mental Health and Sleep

The Link Between Sleep and Mental Health

We all know that sleep is a very welcome daily ‘time out’ from the stress and busyness of the day. So, how ironic that our lives are now so busy that we are sleeping less and less (about 90 minutes less than in the, say, 1920’s) and thus getting less and less of a time-out from the stress and busyness.
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How to Sleep Well on Summer Nights

How to Sleep Well on Summer Nights

This summer has been filled with hot days and even hotter nights. The hot days? We love them, right? The nights, however, can sometimes mean we struggle to fall or stay asleep as our bedroom starts resembling a roasting tin. So! We’ve rounded up a few tips on how to tackle that hot and bothered feeling when you’re after a good snooze.

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Bose Sleep Buds Review from Nightire

Bose Sleep Buds - A Review

We’ve allll been there, right? We've all experienced those nights when you just can’t sleep because annoying sounds - like your SO's snoring, traffic and rowdy neighbours - are keeping you awake. So Bose, the brand that brought us headphones much beloved by all who work in coffee shops with MacBooks drinking flat whites, decided to do something about it. They created sleep earbuds with built-in noise masking technology🙌  These buds are tiny, shaped perfectly to fit pretty much any ear shape and size, and designed in such a way to mask pretty much any unwanted noise, and then lull you to sleep.
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Interview with a designer

Who Sleeps Here - Sam Schwikkard's bedroom

We recently had a little chit-chat with mom and business owner Sam Schwikkard, a #friendofnightire and all-round darling, to find out how she manages to get enough me-time, down-time and sleep-time in as mom of a little bub. We also discussed what inspires her design vibes when it comes to her bedroom, as she really does have the most stylish abode.  
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Croissants and pyjamas to start the day right

How sleep can affect your diet choices

Sleep isn’t only important for keeping you energized all day, staving off disease and keeping your body and brain going. It also has an effect on the food choices that you make. I get it. A constant to-do list, allll the Netflix series and a packed social calendar can easily lead to not getting enough shut-eye in, but if you’re keen to keep making good food choices, prioritizing time between the sheets might be the most important change you can make. Two tricks to sleep better, are to try set regular times for going to bed and waking, if possible, and to ensure your bedroom is a sleep sanctuary – diffuse some essential oils, turn down the lights, and keep it clean.
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How to easily fall (and stay) asleep

How to easily fall (and stay) asleep

You’ve heard it all before – getting your eight hours of sleep is the key to health, happiness and everything in between. Which is probably the most frustrating thing to hear when you’re not one to sleep very well, or nod off easily. I have struggled with insomnia during different periods of my life.
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Bedtime Story for Grown Ups

A Bedtime Story for Grown ups

Once Upon a Time, in a city not so unlike yours, there lived an increasingly tired, young woman by the name of Claire. Claire lived in a rather pokey flat in a less-than-ideal part of London.
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Stretching in the morning in the best pyjamas

How to Design Your Workday based on your Sleep Habits

Do you insist on having a cup (or two) of coffee every morning before you brave any kind of activity? Or are you one of those lucky individuals who can jump out of bed and get to work pronto?How to Design Your Workday based on your Sleep Habits
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