An Ode to Sleeping in Sunshine

After many months of agonizing over design details, patterns and prints - the second Nightire range is here and it's all about celebrating the days of languid barbeques, ice creams on the beach and long afternoon naps. Summer holidays are usually a highlight in the year for most folks and an ace time to relax, reboot and spend quality time with the people you love. So we're betting that when you slip into your new Nightire sleepwear, it will evoke the same feeling of happiness as a day by the sea. No matter the weather (however dreary) outside.
And what a road it was to get where we are today... A lot of time and effort went into making sure that every style works well for almost all body types, many many samples were made and sent across the Atlantic between Nightire HQ and our suppliers for approval and tweaking and many sleepless nights were had worrying about everything from the marketing plan to the props at our lifestyle photoshoots. Speaking of photo shoots...
Once all the stock arrived safely in London, we got busy with prepping and planning the these - which was fairly stressful based on the fact that it was completely weather-dependent (and when it's still rainy season and mid-winter in the UK - this is not an easy task). BUT we pulled it off. With the help of our favourite photographer Nkima De Faria, we nipped off to Brighton for the first half day of shooting - and it was perfect. The weather was balmy and sunny, the models were chilled and happy to prance around in pyjamas on the beach / promenade / pier, and the fun prints were offset perfectly by the calm seas and beachy whites.
The second shoot went down (smoothly) in the SouthBank in London - a touristy spot for sure and fairly crowded on any given day, but we managed to find the colourful, summery spots in between - climbing on boats, chilling by the pool of the Westminster Marriott and lounging on the beachy banks of the Thames. It was not a bad day at the office indeed.
The website has been done in-house (so if you spot any glaring design no-no's, do shout, this is a first), new packaging and booklets have been created for this exact occasion, and we are ready to roll and sell, sell, sell. After all, our mission is to get as many people in Nightire Sleepwear as possible, as it really is the best outfit for a good night's sleep. Made of 100% super soft, organic bamboo that helps to regulate your body temperature while you sleep, wearing Nightire means your night sweats should be a thing of the past, and sweet dreams will be a thing of the future.
Happy snoozing!