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How to sleep better in winter - 5 essential tips

How to sleep better in winter - 5 essential tips

Winter's shorter days and colder nights make it tempting to hibernate, but getting quality sleep can be surprisingly tricky in this season. So I've pulled together five effective ways to sleep better during the winter months so you can wake up refreshed and energised, no matter the temperature outside.
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5 Reasons why spending time in nature is great for sleep and relaxation

5 Reasons why spending time in nature is great for sleep and relaxation

The benefits of spending time in nature are undeniable, especially when it comes to improving sleep and relaxation. From reducing stress levels to enhancing mindfulness and improving air quality, time in nature helps reset our minds and bodies. The next time you're feeling overwhelmed or struggling to get a good night's sleep, consider stepping outside and reconnecting with the natural world—you might be surprised by how much better you feel.
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Benefits of bamboo bedding for Great Sleeps

Benefits of bamboo bedding for Great Sleeps

Bamboo bedding is more than just a trend—it’s a thoughtful choice for those looking to improve their sleep quality while also being mindful of the environment. From its breathability and moisture-wicking properties to its hypoallergenic benefits and luxurious comfort, bamboo bedding offers a range of advantages that can help you achieve a better night’s sleep. Investing in bamboo bedding means investing in your health, comfort, and the planet, making it a win-win choice for anyone seeking to enhance their sleep experience.
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Happiness is your new range going LIVE for the best sleepwear this summer


Just a bit of babble from my end to give some background on the range that's just launched, and what the looooong road was to get here. Think of this is as a little diary entry from a founder:)
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Nightdresses organic bamboo best for sleep

Mistakes we make by day for a bad sleep at night

Sleep is essential for our well-being, yet many of us struggle to get a good night's rest. While factors like stress and medical conditions can influence sleep quality, our daily habits and routines also play a significant role. Here are some common mistakes we make during the day that can sabotage our sleep at night
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Best foods to eat before bed

Sleep Better Tonight: 5 Nutritious Foods to Enhance Your Bedtime Routine

Getting a good night's sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being. Yet, for many of us, falling asleep and staying asleep can be a challenge. The good news is that there are so many tweaks you can make to your day to day life to help with your sleep, including upping your food game with better pre-sleep snacks. These foods not only soothe your body but also provide essential nutrients to aid in relaxation and sleep quality. Let's explore five of the best and healthiest foods to eat before bedtime to help you sleep better.
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The best bedtime routine for a great sleep

The Best Bedtime Routine for a Great Sleep

A good night's sleep is essential for our overall well-being. Sadly, so many of us struggle to achieve it. If you find yourself tossing and turning at night, it might be time to reassess your bedtime routine. Here are my top tips for an ace bedtime routine that can pave the way for a blissful and revitalizing sleep, leaving you refreshed and ready to conquer the day ahead.
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How to Get Good Sleep On Your Travels this Season

How to Get Good Sleep On Your Travels this Season

Traveling can disrupt our sleep routine, making it challenging to get a good night's rest. However, with some preparation and mindful habits, you can improve your sleep quality while on the road. Here are some tips to help you sleep well when traveling:
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Stress and Sleep: Breaking the Cycle for a Better Night's Rest

Stress and Sleep: Breaking the Cycle for a Better Night's Rest

In today's fast-paced world, stress has become a common companion for many of us. Whether it's due to work pressures, relationship challenges, financial worries, or simply the demands of daily life, stress can take a toll on our overall wellbeing. One area where stress often leaves its mark is our sleep. Here's how it works:
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Food to eat (and avoid) for better sleep

Food to eat (and avoid) for better sleep

We all require sleep to function properly as humans, and the quality of our sleep can significantly impact our health and well-being. While there are various factors that can impact our sleep (stress levels, light exposure, temperature of our bodies and the general environment etc), the food we consume is one of the most significant ones. What we eat, and when we eat it, can either promote or hinder our ability to fall asleep, and also the quality of sleep we have throughout the night. 
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How to Not Feel Completely Bushed the Day After the Clocks Go Forward

How to Not Feel Completely Bushed the Day After the Clocks Go Forward

As the clocks go forward this weekend (Sunday! Mark your calendar!), many of us will be looking forward to the longer, brighter evenings that come with the start of daylight saving time. However, this change can also have a significant impact on our sleep, leaving us feeling groggy and tired in the days following the time change.
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How to Wake Up Well this Winter

How to Wake Up Well this Winter

Winter can be a beautiful season, with snowflakes falling and the air crisp and fresh. Not to mention hot chocolate, fluffy scarves and TV time under a big blanket.

However, when the days are shorter and the weather is bad, it can be hard to get out of bed in the morning.

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Why sleep is so important for your mental health

Why sleep is so important for your mental health

Sleep is an essential function that plays a crucial role in our overall health and wellbeing. It is a natural process that allows our body to rest and restore, and it is critical for maintaining good mental health. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of sleep for mental health and explore how poor sleep can impact our psychological wellbeing.
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Nightire x Grace Atwood Range Two

Nightire x Grace Atwood Range Two

Last year, I approached blogger and style influencer Grace Atwood with a proposal to work together on creating a limited edition range of PJs that were completely inspired by ideas and designs of colours or patterns that delight her. I've always personally been such a huge fan of her work, the products that she loves and recommends and her personal style - so she felt like the perfect person to bring on board for my sleepwear brand that is such an expression of my own style and creativity. 
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BubClub Blog post Nightire

Baby Sleep And Parenting - From The BubClub's Co-founder

Sleep. The hot topic surrounding you the minute you mention your pregnancy. ‘Ah you can kiss your sleep goodbye’… ‘Get ready for the sleepless nights’…‘Best you get as much rest as possible now before he/she arrives’… ‘You’re going to be absolutely exhausted for the next 18 years’…. ‘You’re going to DIE with such little sleep’… The list goes on. Forewarning mums to be, as if they’d never see sleep again and best they prepare themselves for an unimaginable level of exhaustion that was coming their way.
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Tried and Tested New Sleep Rules

Tried and Tested New Sleep Rules

I've been through the ringer when it comes to sleep - see, I started Nightire thanks to a prolonged period of insomnia (which led to my quest to find quality PJs that could help me sleep more comfortably). So I have tried and tested different methods of helping me to get to sleep, which I thought I'd share here in the hopes that it will help you too. 
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Summer Beachy PJs inspired by Europe

Nightire x Victoria's Stories Launch

Very very excited to say that today, on a very rainy and non-summery day in London, the Nightire summer print of the season has launched. The shorties, created in collaboration with travel blogger and photographer Victoria Metaxas from Victoria's Stories, are as pink as can be, feminine, flirty and full of beachy feels.
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Short Summer PJs for Hot Nights

How to Sleep When It's Unbearably Hot

Every summer, I wonder if it's hot enough to finally invest in an air conditioning unit and every summer I remember I live in the UK and this heat wave will pass far too quickly so, no.


Saying that, we are indeed experiencing one of those heat waves right now and the nights are proving to be rather steamy (and not for any fun reason other than the stuffy temps). If you're one who already struggles to fall asleep or stay asleep, hot temperatures can make bedtime even more frustrating. 

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Alyson Haley x Nightire Collab

Nightire x Haley Collaboration is LIVE

I am completely over the moon to announce that today, the much anticipated #nightirexhaley nightdress is LIVE! How gorgeous is this sweet and summery dress, even if I do say so myself!? Haley and I wanted the frill and the understated, feminine pink print to reflect her style, that can be very much described in these words.
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10 Interesting Facts about Pyjamas

10 Interesting Facts about Pyjamas

We love pyjamas. Obviously. So we did a bit of research into our most favourite sleep outfits and came across ten interesting tidbits to share with you today.
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Why Bamboo Fabric is Sustainable

Why Bamboo Fabric is Sustainable

In honour of Earth Day coming up soon, I thought it would be a good idea to just touch on the making of the fabric that we use here at Nightire, called bamboo. You might have heard of bamboo's temperature regulating or super soft properties, but did you know this lovely plant is also sustainably sourced and vegan?
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How Stress Affects Your Sleep

How Stress Affects Your Sleep

Do you find yourself struggling to nod off at night, and that stresses you out, then you really struggle to fall asleep, which makes you over-tired and even more stressed? You're not alone. We dive into this topic for #stressawarenessmonth
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How to sleep well - with good pjs and other tips

Top 5 Personal Favourite Sleep Tips

In honour of International Sleep Week coming up soon, I wanted to touch on a few tips and tricks that I've implemented in my daily routine that's helped with my sleep quality and quantity so much & share it with you here today so that hopefully you'll also be able to up the ante on your snooze.
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Another Bamboo Product to Love - BambooWater

Another Bamboo Product to Love - BambooWater

If you're not new to our neck of the woods, you probably know that all Nightire Pjs are made of 100% organic bamboo - so it's clearly a plant that we really love. When we found out about anther really cool use for bamboo, in the form of water - thanks to the fact that we stumbled across Juno Bamboo Water a while ago - we wanted to share a bit more about the health benefits of drinking bamboo water.
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Nightire x Grace Atwood Collab

Nightire x Grace Atwood Collab

A couple of months ago I reached out to my favourite blogger (and podcaster) Grace Atwood. I sent her a set of Nightire's uber popular clementine pajamas to try. She posted them to her instagram story along with a promo code and folks went nuts for it. So I asked her if she'd like to design a collaborative range with me...
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Our Self-Care 2020 Shopping Guide #ShopSmall

Our Self-Care 2020 Shopping Guide #ShopSmall

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! During these tough times, self-care couldn’t be more important! We’ve curated a list a goodies from fav local brands so you can not only feel really good about yourself but also feel really good about supporting local businesses.
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How to fall asleep easily to wake up well

What to Do When You Can’t Sleep

Do you often find yourself lying in bed, eyes closed and ready for a good snooze, but for someone reason you have a hard time nodding off? We totally get it! The culprit might be a super stressful day that's lying ahead for you come morning, or pesky noises coming from the neighbours' flat, or you're struggling to digest a big meal so don't feel the most comfortable. Whatever the reason, we’ve compiled a list of techniques you can use to help get a good night’s sleep.
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How to Reset your Circadian rhythm

How To Reset Your Circadian Rhythm

Do you sometimes wake up minutes before your alarm is due to go off? You can thank your circadian rhythm for that! Circadian rhythms are the body’s 24-hour cycle internal clock that carry out essential functions such as digestion, hormone regulation and, last but not least, sleep. 

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Mom life and sleep

Sleep As A Mom - a Chat with Emma Whiley

Seeing as I'm not a mum (just yet), I've always been a bit in the dark when it comes to what the relationship with sleep is if you are a mum of tiny humans that have very different circadian rhythms (and, at the start of their lives, no circadian rhythms at all) to you. So, I asked my friend Emma Whiley - who is a copywriter extraordinaire - to weigh in on this topic.
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Simple Ways to Create the Ultimate Sleep Environment

Simple Ways to Create the Ultimate Sleep Environment

Did you know roughly 30 percent of the general population suffers from some form of sleep disruption and 10 percent suffer from insomnia? In these not so certain times, it can be more and more difficult to get a good night’s sleep. One thing that is for certain, we’ve got some tips to help you sort sleeping problems by creating the ultimate sleep environment!
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Who Sleeps Here - Nkima de Faria Photography

Who Sleeps Here - Nkima de Faria Photography

We're SO excited to be bringing back a golden oldies blog series from the good ol'days, where we chat to friends of Nightire about their bedroom design aesthetic, and peek into their lives at home. One of our nearest and dearest, the woman behind many of the beautiful photos you will see on the Nightire website, is expecting mom and ace photographer Nkima de Faria
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How to battle Stress (so you can Sleep)

How to battle Stress (so you can Sleep)

Stress, we can’t seem to escape it, and often see it as a part of the 24/7 always on culture we live in. The unprecedented times we are now living in is exacerbating this stress and the associated impact on both anxiety and our mental health.
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Mental Health and Sleep

The Link Between Sleep and Mental Health

We all know that sleep is a very welcome daily ‘time out’ from the stress and busyness of the day. So, how ironic that our lives are now so busy that we are sleeping less and less (about 90 minutes less than in the, say, 1920’s) and thus getting less and less of a time-out from the stress and busyness.
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How to Sleep Well on Summer Nights

How to Sleep Well on Summer Nights

This summer has been filled with hot days and even hotter nights. The hot days? We love them, right? The nights, however, can sometimes mean we struggle to fall or stay asleep as our bedroom starts resembling a roasting tin. So! We’ve rounded up a few tips on how to tackle that hot and bothered feeling when you’re after a good snooze.

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Why Coffee Makes You Tired

Why Coffee Makes You Tired

It's tough to know what to believe when it comes to coffee nowadays. Some health gurus are telling us that coffee is terrible for our health and that we should avoid it at all costs. Others can’t stop punting it as a health food or even a superfood that is packed with all sorts of beneficial antioxidants and phytochemicals that give us energy and help us perform better.
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Napping our way through Covid19

Napping our way through Covid19

A recent study shared in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society says naps are GOOD – according to the research, folks who nap for 30-90 minutes have better word recall (a sign of good memory), decreased stress levels and healthier hearts.
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