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Best foods to eat before bed

Sleep Better Tonight: 5 Nutritious Foods to Enhance Your Bedtime Routine

Getting a good night's sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being. Yet, for many of us, falling asleep and staying asleep can be a challenge. The good news is that there are so many tweaks you can make to your day to day life to help with your sleep, including upping your food game with better pre-sleep snacks. These foods not only soothe your body but also provide essential nutrients to aid in relaxation and sleep quality. Let's explore five of the best and healthiest foods to eat before bedtime to help you sleep better.
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Why sleep is so important for your mental health

Why sleep is so important for your mental health

Sleep is an essential function that plays a crucial role in our overall health and wellbeing. It is a natural process that allows our body to rest and restore, and it is critical for maintaining good mental health. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of sleep for mental health and explore how poor sleep can impact our psychological wellbeing.
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When and how to take power naps

Power naps for the win - when to take them and for how long

Do you find yourself guzzling down the caffeine every afternoon at 4PM, like clockwork? If so, a mid-afternoon nap could be the answer to weaning yourself off caffeine (and tiredness) forever. Napping is often associated with tiny tots or the elderly, but really, its a good idea for everyone.
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How to easily fall (and stay) asleep

How to easily fall (and stay) asleep

You’ve heard it all before – getting your eight hours of sleep is the key to health, happiness and everything in between. Which is probably the most frustrating thing to hear when you’re not one to sleep very well, or nod off easily. I have struggled with insomnia during different periods of my life.
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Nadia Meli Photographer bedroom

Who Sleeps Here - Nadia Meli's bedroom

I recently met up for a little chit-chat with a #friendofnightire, photographer and all round girlboss of note, Nadia Meli, to gush over her gorgeous bedroom interiors and discuss her sleep habits as a busy entrepreneur. Have a look at what we covered…
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