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Who Sleeps Here - Lise van Schoor's bedroom

Shelfie Game is strong

Today I'm sharing a few snaps from the bedroom of my sister and Nightire's number one fan, Lise van Schoor. Over the holidays, I managed to pin her down for a chat about balancing work & life, her best sleep tips and what inspired her gorgeous abode's design aesthetic. Have a look at what this finance girl with a creative edge, had to say…

Lise in a Nutshell?

I am driven and inspired by a few things – my family, my friends, my home, travel and beauty in all forms. I read as much as I can, I go see every movie that is nominated for an Oscar (this is like my second job), I walk and hike and am trying to get fit again this year. I search out good food, I try every new spot in the City and I give everything I have to the people I love.  I am a Chartered Accountant by trade and work for a fast moving, high energy IT company in the executive team which is awesome as I am involved in every strategic decision and have very competent teams making my life easy. Last year I started playing the piano again after a 13 year hiatus and I did an interior design course through the University of Cape Town in the evenings. I love photography, am pretty addicted to Instagram and always need to be planning my next trip! This year I am heading to Japan (bucket list) and Turkey with our whole family to celebrate our dad’s 70thbirthday.

How do you manage to balance life with a very demanding work set-up?

No one really gets this right – but I guess the biggest thing is to just choose what you want to make important. I work hard but I focus on that while I am at the office, I don’t mess around and I just get on with work while there. So when I leave the office, I change into home/friends/fun mode. That does not mean that I wont have some nights of opening my computer, and I do take work calls whenever I need to, but it is the exception to the rule. I am also lucky to work with partners who are really family orientated – work is important but life comes first, I did not always have that which means I appreciate what I have now much more. I am also super organised. I think and plan way ahead, for example I will buy gifts online weeks before the party I need it for and am currently trying out Ucook where they deliver dinner ingredients to your office so you can try new dishes and not have to go to the shops. Another trick is to try combine things I don’t really feel like doing with something I love – I exercise with a friend who I need to see or go do admin at the shops with another and then we reward ourselves with a glass of wine after. To be honest, the biggest thing is to listen to your body, it literally always tells you when you are pushing too far and as I have grown up I have started to be able to confidently say no to something if I am too tired to do it. I want to save my energy for my favourite people so I also don’t prioritise stuff I don’t feel will add value to my life and heart.

Gorgeous bedroom design aesthetic

What design aesthetic do you have for your interior? 

No one could ever describe me as a minimalist, I love colour and cosy and would hate a room that did not have at least 1 plant in it.

What inspired you when you created this bedroom's style? 

I have pretty clear ideas of what I like and I read lots of interior blogs, buy the House&Leisure and am constantly inspired by things I see on Insta. The big thing is narrowing down all the options and creating somewhere you actually want to live, not just somewhere pretty to look at. I find bits and pieces on travels, love picking up special items at markets and I rearrange ALL THE TIME. A bedroom for me needs the following three things: really good high thread count linen, art and aircon. Apparently the perfect temperature to sleep in is 18 degrees so I do this even in winter, when I obviously just wear thicker pjs and add on more blankets.

What are your favourite colours for decorating a bedroom?

White bedding always. But then whatever you like with it. I love navy as I am above all an ocean person. And have added some touches of pink in my bedroom as for now I can make it as girly as I want!

Beautiful bedside table set-up

What are your favourite ways to find down before bed, and how do you make sure to wake up well and be ready for the day ahead? 

At the moment I am reading Japan guidebooks and a really good thriller by Karin Slaughter, The Good Daughter. I have also found that cooking most nights has really helped with getting my brain to switch off. Other than that I practice piano, watch series (currently watching Mindhunter which is so so good) and hang out with my flatmate. I have a pretty solid routine– go to bed latest 10:30 otherwise it is impossible to wake up at 6am to train or get to work. I am definitely a morning person which helps!

Your best sleep tip? 

A cold room, luxurious PJs (I only sleep in Nightire) and getting in bed early enough.

Thanks so much to Lies for taking the time to give us a peek into her home.

Written by Nina Clark, Founder