How to get your Beauty Sleep with Freya & Bailey

We've got a super exciting collaboration with new London-based skincare brand Freya & Bailey in the pipeline (if you have been wondering what to get your beloved mum for Mother's Day, wait for it). So in the lead-up, we chatted to founder Abbie about how she came to create this natural, anti-pollution range.
1. What was the first hurdle that you tackled when starting Freya and Bailey?
We are bringing something new to the market and that inevitably brings some challenges. Our products are vegan, natural, organic and anti- pollution at an accessible price point and that's sort of pioneering. Being true to our ethos – sustainable packaging, cruelty free and carbon neutral has been tough at times but we have held fast despite the commercial and operational challenges.
2. Why did you want to create this line of skincare? What was the need you spotted for it?
The prestige market is very much on board when it comes to anti-pollution protection. However its priced at somewhat eye watering levels. So what got me thinking is - should it really be that just because you can't afford to spend £500 on a 4 step anti-pollution skincare regime, you should go without?
3. Who is Freya and Bailey for?
We’re here for those that live in towns and cities and want to protect their skin from the damaging impact of pollution, free radicals and micro particles.
4. Do you have any tips or tricks for looking after your skin in a busy polluted city, apart from using your gorgeous range?
The skin damaging effects of pollution are known- dull skin, clogged pores and premature ageing are just some of the issues. To combat this, here are two words I swear by: CLEAN + HYDRATION.
Its critical to maintain a skincare routine that will deep cleanse your skin and get rid of the accumulated pollution but it’s equally important to retain moisture. Topical applications like serums and moisturisers are wonderful for this but I would also recommend drinking as much water as you can. It helps flush out toxins from your skin and is a can’t beat it beauty tip!
5. What is the biggest thing you have learnt about beauty sleep since creating F&B?
The importance of sleep for healthy skin is no myth every cell in our bodies—including skin cells—use this time to recuperate and regenerate. More specifically, night time is when fresh, healthy cells rise to the skin’s surface and the damage accumulated over the course of the day is repaired. Think of the skin’s barrier as a brick wall. The bricks are the skin cells and the mortar are comprised of fats that hold the bricks together. Without adequate sleep, the skin’s barrier is less able to repair itself, which means moisture becomes free to leave and it becomes easier for irritants to enter. This translates to dehydration, sensitivity, inflammation and accentuated fine lines and wrinkles. It’s super important to have a nourishing and nutrient rich night time regime- from night attire through to skincare.
6. Any tips for folks who would want to go into working in a similar industry?
Launching a skincare line requires not only total belief in your cause but a real passion for your products, so centre your brand on something you love – whether that’s a natural approach to beauty, science-led or something different altogether. Do your research- and then some. There’s a lot of information out there which is great, but ultimately you need to decide what carries through and what really differentiates your brand so ensure its something true to you and your values. I would also say use your circle of trust and then go beyond - a third party’s objective eye can be incredibly valuable to evaluate brand essence, resonance and execution.
7. Where can we find out more?
Head to the website to see what we’re about- we’d love to have you stop by and browse. Oh, and use this exclusive 15% discount offer NIGHTFB
8. What is next for F&B?
We’re formulating and getting ready for a number of key products this year- watch this space. In addition, we’re expanding our retail footprint and will be launching with new online and offline retail partners in the coming months.
Written by Nina Clark, Nightire founder